Friday 20 July 2012

The Dark Knight Rises : Review

The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises, a movie that is a perfect way to finish for Christopher Nolan trilogy, a story which has building since the first few moments of The Batman Begins. The final Installment, something an amazing piece of cinematography, it creates a aura, the build up for the superheros, villains and general cast alike was something that let people relate to each character with Bane, Cat woman. A rebuilt Batman being explained in depth for the time they had to. The way that Nolan was able to focus, shake and refocus the powerful stance that the powerful characters hold in the movie, with each of the main characters having high and low point, triumphs and defeats. The Dark knight Rises is a movie that truly captures a Dark Side of The Batman comics, something that is very rarely explored. With elements that will leave you in a shock like state, The Dark Knight Rises, was a film that started from a dark place, built itself, returned to a similar dark place, then once again built itself up for a amazing finale. It was a movie that achieved so much depth and clarity, something anybody will be able to enjoy.

The Dark Knight Rises, although the final piece in an amazing trilogy is a stand alone piece that through its careful explanation and etiquette in the piece, was able to create something special for any audience. An understanding of earlier films in the trilogy are not critical, with few elements being missed in the final piece. The movie itself may be hard to follow for some younger audiences, but is never over the top with its approach to violence, etiquette and general goings on. The plot twists that do lead this piece are impressive, with a few that are not expected that change the tone of the entire movie. We see the way that the characters interact with batman, change may times, as batman himself change playing to the high and low point in the films, with epic confrontations between many key characters as well and fight screens between some, The Dark Knight Rises, creates a story that throws a lot at you all at once and rarely gives you time to catch your breath, yet creates no critical flaws or problems that will leave you asking how or why? With Nolan's very strong structure the piece was able to achieve something very special, as the audience would never really feel in the dark unless it was for a reason, with the amazing acting but the cast to create a piece that would do well as a stand alone feature film. The cast is lead by Tom Hardy and Christian Bale as the key Villain and Character, is one that fits the piece very well. Christian Bale's amazing performance that has marked him as an industry great, with his ability to play this character building through out the trilogy. Tom Hardy played a very different, Bane character something that we had no seen before plays a very different style of game. The villains we have seen previously in Batman have not been able to exchange blows with Batman and have often been able to manipulate his mind, while also being able to scurry away from any real danger, Tom Hardy's performance creates the aura of the very smart very powerful Bane perfectly. The rest of the cast was very well cast, with Anne Hathaway's performance completely amazing me, as she fell right into the role, which seems odd based on her history. She was able to capture her audience as Selina Kyle and Cat woman. The new aspects that we saw from characters and actors alike was also very appealing, Joseph Gordon- Levitt stepping into a curial role as John Blake, a character that hugely influences and clearly may become a focus, as well as Michael Caine, once again performing an amazingly as Alfred, was able to capture the characters new found emotions through the piece, being something completely different, to what we have seen in the past.

The Dark Knight Rises, brought a very different setting to the city of Gotham that we know and love, with amazing views of city scape and Wayne Manor. We were able to really feel the direction the movie was taking, with a extremely gloomy and dark opening, that almost seems to brighten up once Bruce returned to that Bat Cave. The setting we find our characters in, corresponds to the direction the movie is taking, with each environment playing to different characters. With the final few scenes and build up to them being depicted heavily in snow, which created a extremely good setting for the final fight as the armies of both sides gathered in the streets. The final few scenes were something amazing, sending chills down your spine, with the views of Gotham, Wayne Manor, The Bat Cave and the special place where Alfred found the hero he knew Bruce needed to be. The Batman trilogy has been known for the great use of music, with orchestral pieces that give me goose bumps, it is something that you want to be able to hear over and over again, as it has also become a signature event in the movie.

 Batman The Dark Knight Rises was easily the most appealing and capturing piece in the movie as the ground work had already been layered yet it left for some much room for it to move, contract and expand. The ending that will leave you hungry for more as well as feeling like the trilogy, has come to a complete and well timed ending.

I give The Dark Knight Rises a Solid 5 Out of 5 Stars:

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